Ruth Sayliss Interview
01:38 Growing up in the Sheffield Jewish community.
06:45 Community integration with the rest of Sheffield. Hebrew education/Jewish schools.
09:00 Attitude towards practice of Jewish faith as a child.
10:42 Best things about growing up in a Jewish community. Importance of family and
keeping together. “Closed”, “inclusive”, “cossetted”.
13:22 Unenjoyable aspects of growing up the Jewish community? Tuition, Sunday school.
16:30 Community spirit but “apathy” on the fringe, people who weren’t orthodox, the
“twain don’t meet”.
20:10 reformed synagogue.
20:45 Impact of immigration on the Jewish community. Russian immigrants.
21:39 Parent’s plumbing shop in West Bar, Sheffield.
23:00 Kosher butchers during childhood.
24:45 Impact of WW2 on the Sheffield Jewish community. Rations.
25:50 How often were exchanges made in Yiddish?
27:00 Different Jewish communities in England.
28:40 Prominent Jewish figures in Sheffield. Sheffield industry.
31:00 Current Jewish community in Sheffield.
33:50 Immigration. Welfare board. Patronage of givers cutlery and furniture businesses.
39:00 Met people who fled from the holocaust to the U.K on the kinder transport. One
became a lecturer. Taken in by non-Jewish families.
41:20 Visits to Israel.
42:45 Big Jewish community in Leeds.
43:30 Small nature of Sheffield community fostering communal spirit.
44:40 Attempted dialogue with Sheffield Muslim community. Interfaith meetings.
45:45 Jewish students at university not wanting to participate in religious activities.
47:00 Anti-Semitism.
49:00 What was the reaction in the Jewish community to the holocaust?
53:15 Communal reaction against discrimination as a driving force of Judaism.
55:50 Conversion to Judaism.
59:30 Stamford Hill. People moving out to start new community.